150 College Road NE Bolivia, NC 28422
GPS Address: Latitude 34.040103 | Longitude-78.233276
Brunswick Community College Odell Williamson Auditorium is located just off Highway 17, 22 miles south of Wilmington, NC and 30 miles north of North Myrtle Beach, SC.
From I 40 take the exit to Brunswick County Beaches. Go 17 south.
The entrance for BCCOWA is located between mile marker 24 and 25.
From Wilmington Airport take Highway 117 toward Wilmington, take a right onto the Isabella Homes Bridge, turn left at bottom of bridge still on Highway 117 then merge right onto 17 South. There is a sign on highway 17 from both directions which reads ‘Brunswick Community College Odell Williamson Auditorium’, with an arrow pointing in the correct direction.